We have partnered with DHL Express and Aymakan to provide you with unprecedented world class delivery service. Hookahlicious believe that in today's world, shopping online should be convenient, easy and fast.

Therefore our partnership offers you 'Express' shipping service which means that most of the domestic shipping within Saudi Arabia will be delivered between 1-3 days upon collection.

It really is as simple as that!

So upon checkout your shipping rate will automatically be calculated based on the items in your cart, which include the total weight and total accumulated dimensions, simply complete the order by making the payment and we aim to arrange collection on the same day of the order being made. Worst case your shipment will be collected on the next working day.

Once your item is collected, you will receive your tracking number which will also be displayed on your order confirmation page and order confirmation email so you can track exactly where and when you will receive your package.

If you have further question or need any further clarifications, please ensure to reach out to us by clicking 'Contact Us' on the top right corner of the page.

Premium Shisha Tobacco Priority Access

Enter your email adress to be made eligible for the early access to some of Europe's and America's most premium range of shisha tobacco.

We can't wait for it to arrive and we can't wait for you to try it.